
Mobile Payment in China[more]

Article from Evert De Haan, P. K. Kannan, Peter C. Verhoef und Thorsten Wiesel in the latest issue[more]

The Sheth Foundation rewarded our Professors Hinz and Skiera with the Journal of Marketing Award for the long term contributions to the field of marketing for their article: Hinz, O., Skiera, B., Barrot, C., & Becker, J.U. (2011). Seeding strategies for viral marketing: An empirical comparison. Journal of Marketing, 75(6), 55-71. [more]

Article from Dr. L. Graf, Dr. S. Mayer and Prof. J. Landwehr in the latest issue[more]

Daniel Blaseg, doctoral candidate at the Chair of Electronic Commerce, has received the Best Doctoral Paper Award at the 3rd Entrepreneurial Finance Conference in Milan for his paper “The Fallacy Problem of Entrepreneurs.”[more]

Improving business climate in the industry (only available in german)[more]

New generations of marketing experts are crucial to develop the theories and tools that shape the future of our field. The EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition recognizes and encourages this emerging talent. This distinguished award will be presented in 2018 for the second time. Three finalists will be honored with cash prizes and the opportunity to present their work at the...[more]

ISMS Marketing Science Conference, 13th -16th June 2018 in Philadelphia, USA[more]

The german Markenverband e.V. honored Ass. Prof. Dr. Daniel Ringel for his dissertation with the title: "Creating Insights in Large Markets" with the 2nd place in the Science Award 2018.[more]

The chair of marketing is looking for tutors for the lecture "Marketing 1"[more]

The Sheth Foundation awarded the Professors Hinz and Skiera with the Journal of Marketing Long-Term Impact Award for their long term contributions of their article Hinz, O., Skiera, B., Barrot, C., & Becker, J.U. (2011). Seeding strategies for viral marketing: An empirical comparison. Journal of Marketing, 75(6), 55-71 to the field of marketing. [more]

On Friday, May 25th 2018, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming into effect after an adoption period of two years.[more]

European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 29th May-1st June 2018 in Glasgow, UK[more]

Endless Powerpoint presentations where everyone falls asleep from boredom? With Tobias Beck, according to Focus one of the best speakers in Germany, things are different.[more]

Good prospects in the marketing industry[more]

Standard and Poor's Global Marketing Intelligence in New York reports recently for digital advertising and tech industry analysts about the cookie research project of Klaus Miller and Bernd Skiera[more]

TPM Theory + Practice Conference, 16th May - 18th May 2018 in Los Angeles, USA[more]

Restrained mood in the marketing industry[more]

Restrained mood in the marketing industry[more]

Applications open until the 16th of April! Please Send Your Application Directly to the Chair of Marketing.[more]
