Prof. Dr. Jan Landwehr

Research interests

  • Consumer psychology/behavior
  • Empirical aesthetics
  • Product design
  • Symbolic communication
  • Genesis of emotional preferences


About me

Since 2012 Jan R. Landwehr is a Professor of Marketing at Goethe-University and holds the Chair of Market and Consumer Psychology. Since 2015 he is also the academic director of the Master programs in Business Administration and International Management.

His research focuses on consumer psychology/behavior, empirical aesthetics, product design, processing fluency, evaluative conditioning, and conscious consumption. In all fields he has a quantitative-empirical focus on the thinking, feeling, and behavior of consumers. Prof. Landwehr is an interdisciplinary researcher who managed to publish his research in world-leading journals in the areas of marketing (e.g., Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology) and social psychology (e.g., Personality and Social Psychology Review, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Social Psychological and Personality Science).

Prof. Landwehr received a Diploma-degree (equivalent to B.Sc. + M.Sc.) of psychology with focus on Social Cognition and Communication from Julius-Maximilians-University Wurzburg. He pursued his academic qualification in the field of marketing at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) as a research assistant and received his doctoral degree in 2008. He continued his academic career as an Assistant Professor (“Oberassistent”) in St. Gallen until 2012. As a committed lecturer, he also completed a supplementary certified training program on teaching skills and university didactics (CAS) during that time at the University of St. Gallen. Accordingly, the lectures of Prof. Landwehr at Goethe University already received 16 Best Teaching Awards from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Key Publications

Masuch, Simon, Landwehr, Jan R., Flath, Christoph, Thiesse, Frédéric (forthcoming): "The faster the better? The impact of short delivery times on product returns in online retailing", Journal of Retailing.

Stuppy, Anika, Landwehr, Jan R., & McGraw, A. Peter (forthcoming): “The Art of Slowness: Slow Motion Enhances Consumer Evaluations by Increasing Processing Fluency”, Journal of Marketing Research.

Landwehr, Jan R./Eckmann, Lisa (2020): “The Nature of Processing Fluency: Amplification versus Hedonic Marking”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 90, 1-14,

Heitmann, Mark/Landwehr, Jan R./Schreiner, Thomas F./van Heerde, Harald J. (2020): “Leveraging Brand Equity for Effective Visual Product Design”, Journal of Marketing Research, 57 (2), 257-277, DOI: 10.1177/0022243720904004.

Wiecek, Annika/Wentzel, Daniel/Landwehr, Jan R. (2019): "The Aesthetic Fidelity Effect", International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36, 542-557, DOI: 10.1016/ijresmar.2019.03.002

Mayer, Stefan/Landwehr, Jan R. (2018): "Quantifying Visual Aesthetics Based on Processing Fluency Theory: Four Algorithmic Measures for Antecedents of Aesthetic Preferences", Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12 (4),399-431, DOI: 10.1037/aca0000187.

Graf, Laura K.M./Mayer, Stefan/Landwehr, Jan R. (2018): “Measuring Processing Fluency: One versus Five Items”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28 (3), 393-411, DOI: 10.1002/jcpy.1021.

Landwehr, Jan R./Golla, Benedikt/Reber, Rolf (2017): “Processing Fluency: An Inevitable Side Effect of Evaluative Conditioning”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 124-128, DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2017.01.004.

Graf, Laura K.M./Landwehr, Jan R. (2015): “A Dual-Process Perspective on Fluency-Based Aesthetics: The Pleasure-Interest Model of Aesthetic Liking”, Personality and Social Psychology Review, 19 (4), 395-410, DOI: 10.1177/1088868315574978.

Landwehr, Jan R./Wentzel, Daniel/Herrmann, Andreas (2013): “Product Design for the Long Run: Consumer Responses to Typical and Atypical Designs at Different Stages of Exposure”, Journal of Marketing, 77 (5), 92-107.

Landwehr, Jan R./Labroo, Aparna A./Herrmann, Andreas (2011): "Gut Liking for the Ordinary: Incorporating Design Fluency Improves Automobile Sales Forecasts", Marketing Science, 30 (3), 416-429.

Landwehr, Jan R./McGill, Ann L./Herrmann, Andreas (2011): "It's Got the Look: The Effect of Friendly and Aggressive "Facial" Expressions on Product Liking and Sales", Journal of Marketing, 75 (3), 132-146.
