Sophie Feldner, M.Sc.

Sophie Feldner

Research Interests

  • Consumer Behavior
  • Role Management
  • Business-to-Business Marketing
  • Organizational Decision-Making

About me

Sophie Feldner is a doctoral student and research associate at the Chair of Marketing at Goethe University Frankfurt. In her Bachelor, she studied International Business Administration in Saarbrücken with emphasis on Marketing and spent a semester abroad at Metropolia University in Helsinki, Finland. She completed her Master in Marketing in the Netherlands at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

During her studies she worked as a research assistant for the marketing department. After completion, she gained practical experience in customer and brand experience marketing as well as sponsoring and worked for marketing strategy consultancies.


Bachelor's level

  • Introduction into Marketing 1 / OMAR

Master's level

  • Advanced Topics in Marketing Research (ATMR Seminar)