Prof. Dr. Ju-Young Kim

Research Interests

Online Marketing
Opaque Goods
Scarcity Effects
Automated Goods

About me

Ju-Young Kim is Professor for Marketing Management at Goethe University Frankfurt since October 2018. Before joining Goethe-University, she was Head of the Services Marketing Group at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). She holds a degree in business administration and a PhD in Marketing from Goethe University Frankfurt.
Her research focuses on practical issues related to pricing and online marketing. Ju-Young’s research has been published in journals like Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Marketing Letters.
She has been awarded with the research prize 2011 for best dissertation in marketing by Deutscher Marketing-Verband e.V., with the IHK dissertation prize and the honorable Schmalenbach prize. With Martin Natter and Ana-Marija Ozimec, she won the 2013-2014 Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize for their work “ECO: Entega’s Profitable New Customer Acquisition on Online Price Comparison Sites.”


Selected Publications

Kremer, Patrick / Feurer, Sven / Kim, Ju-Young / Hoeffler, Steve (2022). Overcoming the Negative Role of Nostalgia in Consumer Reactions to Automated Products. Journal of Product Innovation Management39(6), 871-890.

Hinz, Oliver / Hill, Shawndra / Kim, Ju-Young (2016): “TV's Dirty Little Secret: The Negative Effect of Popular TV on Online Auction Sales", Management Information Systems Quarterly, Vol. 40 (3), 623-644.

Natter, Martin / Ozimec, Ana-Marija / Kim, Ju-Young (2015): “ECO: Entega’s Profitable New Customer Acquisition on Online Price Comparison Sites", in Marketing Science, Vol. 34 (6), 789-803.

Kim, Ju-Young / Bruenner, Tobias / Skiera, Bernd / Natter, Martin (2014): “A Comparison of Different Pay-Per-Bid Auction Formats”, in International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 31 (4), 368-379.

Kim, Ju-Young / Natter, Martin / Spann, Martin (2014): “Sampling, Discounts or Pay-What-You-Want: Two Field Experiments”, in International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 31 (3), 327-334.

Kim, Ju-Young / Natter, Martin / Spann, Martin (2009): "Pay-What-You-Want - A New Participative Pricing Mechanism", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 73 (1), 44-58.
