Marketing Assets (Winter Semester)
The seminar “Marketing Assets” seeks to provide students with insights and tools to identify and quantify how to value marketing actions and marketing assets. Demonstrating the contribution of marketing efforts is important, for instance, when deciding whether a major marketing action is worth taking or when setting budgets and measuring marketing performance. This block seminar is therefore devoted to understanding the payoff firms can realize from their marketing efforts. Participants are required to conduct their own research project within a group of 3-5 students. Each group has to write one research paper and present the results in class. The research projects are empirical and require the assembling, managing and analyzing of a unique data set. Therefore, a basic knowledge of statistical analyses is beneficial.
Strategic Market Management (Winter Semester)
The course "Strategic Market Management" is designed for students interested in understanding competitive market strategies. Firms operate in dynamic marketplace environments in which not only consumers but also competition, technology and market forces constantly redefine the industry. Fundamental to firm success therefore is a coherent marketing strategy that is characterized by a firm’s capacity to constantly monitor and swiftly respond to market opportunities. This course will examine various elements of marketing strategy, such as market orientation, customer and competitor analysis, and customer value delivery, among others. We will not pay attention to the tactical decisions or behavioral models of marketing decision-making but instead analyze and develop strategies at the firm, inter-organization, and industry level. The core of the class is a set of case studies.
Return on Marketing (Winter Semester)
The course “Return on Marketing” seeks to provide students with insights and tools to identify and quantify how marketing actions can contribute to firm value. We will begin by discussing traditional metrics used to evaluate marketing performance. One focus will be on market response models and how data can be helpful in making marketing decisions. Another focus will be on understanding the concept of intangible marketing assets, and quantifying how such marketing assets contribute to firm value. A gradual decrease in budgets has turned the marketing function to be regarded as an extravagance rather than a business function that creates value. In an effort to overcome these misperceptions and justify investments into marketing, firms continually demand greater accountability for money spent on marketing. This class emphasizes marketing’s contribution to firm performance and long-term shareholder value creation, which is the governing objective of management today. Practical applications in the course will be completed using the statistical software R and MS Excel.
Marketing Perfomance (Summer Semester)
The seminar “Marketing Performance” seeks to provide Master students with insights and tools to identify and quantify how diverse marketing actions contribute to firm value. To choose the right set of actions and to adequately allocate budgets, the performance measurement of different efforts is important. This seminar deals with different issues how companies can measure the impact of marketing activities and requires students to map out clear recommendations and implications for marketing managers. Participants are required to conduct their own research project within a group of 3-5 students. Each group has to write one research paper and present the results in class. The topics for this seminar are very diverse but focus on the impact measurement of marketing activities. The research projects are empirical and require the assembling, managing and analyzing of a unique data set. Therefore, a basic knowledge of statistical analyses is beneficial.
Marketing Innovations (Winter Semester)
The seminar "Marketing Innovations – Developing a Business Plan" aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and tools to create a comprehensive business plan to market innovations.
Innovation is widely acknowledged as a critical factor in driving firm success and as a foundation for new businesses. As such, developing a well-crafted business plan is imperative, demonstrating the entrepreneur's commitment and diligence. Moreover, a robust business plan is relevant to stakeholders, including potential employees, partners, and investors. Effective business plans are strongly associated with marketing-related activities, ranging from conducting market research and analyzing competitors to identifying prospective customers and defining the unique selling propositions of the products/services. Ultimately, the commercialization strategy for these products/services sits at the heart of each business plan.
The central focus of this block seminar is on developing a business plan. Students will be tasked with generating a viable business idea, producing a detailed plan outlining its commercialization, and offering constructive feedback on their peers' business proposals.