Fluency effects on trust and trustworthiness in digital contexts
Category: Marketing Seminar
When: 19 September 2018
, 17:00
- 18:15
Where: Campus Westend, RuW 1.201
Speaker: Dr. Rita Silva (University of Cologne)
Fluency is the subjective experience of ease that accompanies the perception, processing and recalling of information.
In this talk I will present recent research showing the effects of fluency on consumers judgments and behavior in economic interactions within digital environments. This talk will also show that fluency effects take different directions depending on the context/object that is the focus of attention, suggesting that the shown effects may be sustained by the inferences and interpretations people make of the fluency experience.
More details on Dr. Rita Silva can be found at: http://soccco.uni-koeln.de/rita-silva.html