Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Name | Aktuelle Position | Website/E-Mail |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Arash Laghaie | Nova School of Business and Economics, Lissabon, PT |; arash.laghaie[at]novasbe[dot]pt
Asst. Prof. Dr. Max Pachali | Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg, NL | M.J.Pachali[at]tilburguniversity[dot]edu |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Tetyana Kosyakova | Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Frankfurt, DE | |
Prof. Dr. Selin Akca | UZH Universityof Zurich, CH | selin.akca[at]business.uzh[dot]ch |
Dr. Keyvan Dehmamy | Goethe-University Frankfurt, DE | dehmamy[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de |