Dr. Daniel Kostyra
About Me

Daniel Kostyra has been a visiting lecturer at Goethe University since 2015 and also lectures every autumn semester at the University of Zurich. Since the end of 2019 he has been working for GMK Markenberatung in Cologne, where he focuses on brand positioning and architecture for his clients. Previously, he was Director Consulting at the digital agency Cocomore and its former subsidiary Kairion.
He completed his doctorate at Goethe University in 2013. His research focused on the impact of online product valuations, brand alliances and sequence effects on customer preferences. Goethe University has always been his Alma Mater. Here he already studied Business Administration with a focus on Marketing and Industrial & Organizational Psychology until he graduated in 2009. At the same time, he worked as a tutor for the introductory event Marketing.
Kes, Isabelle, Jonas Trostmann, David M. Woisetschläger, Daniel S. Kostyra & Nils Haversath (2016), "Individualisierte Online-Werbung als Treiber von Impulskäufen im Internet", Marketing Review St. Gallen, 4
Kostyra, Daniel S., Jochen Reiner, Martin Natter & Daniel Klapper (2016), "Decomposing the Effects of Online Customer Reviews on Brand, Price and Product", International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32 (1), Special Issue: Branding in a Digitally Empowering World
Kostyra, Daniel S. & Daniel Klapper (2015),"Signaling Teamwork: How Brand Prominence in Brand Alliance Communication Can Influence Customer Perception", Marketing ZFP, 38 (2), 69-78 - Best Paper Award 2015
Heimbach, Irina, Daniel S. Kostyra & Oliver Hinz (2015), "Marketing Automation", Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57 (2), 129-133
Kostyra, Daniel S. (2014), "Die richtige Promotion für Online-Shops finden", Healthcare Marketing, August
Guest articles & quotations
FAZ, Handelsblatt, Absatzwirtschaft, HORIZONT, Deutsche Welle, Werben & Verkaufen, Internet World Business, t3n, New Business, Location Insider, planung&analyse