Attention and preferences for charitable giving

Category: Marketing Seminar
When: 04 June 2024
, 12:15
 - 13:30
Where: RuW 1.201
Speaker: Ana Martinovici PhD (Assistant Professor of Marketing, Erasmus University)

Attention and preferences for charitable giving
joint work with Alex Genevsky and Felix Friederich


Fundraising organizations provide information about donation recipients, the way in which donations are used, and other aspects that can persuade prospective donors to contribute. Although multiple features are presented at the same time in a donation call, their impact on donation choices has largely been examined in isolation. Thus, it remains largely unknown how different features jointly impact the choice of a prospective donor. We investigate how people weigh aspects of donation calls when they decide which of several competing options to contribute to. Our model is calibrated on eye-tracking and choice data from a choice-based conjoint study in which participants made repeated choices from sets of donation options that varied along multiple dimensions. The results examine heterogeneity in the importance of donation call features and the process through which people arrive at their choice. The findings contribute to the charitable giving literature and have implications for how fundraising organizations communicate donation calls.

Working Paper can be found here: tba
More information on Ana Martinovici can be found here

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