Logical Creativity Theory Meets GenAI: A Structured Approach to Enhanced Ideation

Category: Marketing Seminar
When: 03 December 2024
, 12:15
 - 13:30
Where: RuW 1.201
Speaker: Prof. Min Ding (Bard Professor of Marketing at Smeal College of Business, PennState)

Logical Creativity Theory Meets GenAI: A Structured Approach to Enhanced Ideation


Generative AI (GenAI) is increasingly replacing traditional human brainstorming due to its (almost) infinite knowledge, ease of generating divergent connections, and rapid responses. However, precisely because of its unlimited capacity for free association, GenAI brainstorming is also characterized by inefficiency; in other words, it can generate many ideas that are not relevant to the objective. This talk examines the integration of Logical Creativity Theory (LCT) (Ding, 2020) with GenAI, exploring a hybrid ideation framework that leverages rule-based logic from LCT to further enhance GenAI's creative capabilities.

Ref: Ding, Min. 2020. Logical creative thinking methods. Routledge.

More information on Professor Min Ding can be found here

Please use the following link for Zoom: https://uni-frankfurt.zoom.us/j/62958556058?pwd=b01qWXlrbVMzc1JFVEhjSWNvdGZPQT09
