Bachelor Thesis

Topics and Assignments

The assignment of the bachelor theses is done via the central registration procedure in the QIS. Detailed information regarding registration and further proceedings can be found on the pages of the Examination Office under the section  "Bachelor Thesis".

The topics for the bachelor thesis within the chairs of the Marketing Department can be found further down in the text (if announced in advance). Also you find the contact persons in charge of each chair.

With regard to the final adoption of the topic, the following must be taken into account: As a proof that you have actually been accepted, please bring along the QIS printout showing this. You will then receive the "registration form" directly from the professorship. After the topic has been announced and the signed registration from has been received, you have to sumbit the registration form to the examination office without delay. 

Students who have received a place for their bachelor thesis at our focus, i.e. Prof. Dr. Bornemann, Prof. Dr. Kim, Prof. Dr. Landwehr, Prof. Dr. Otter, Prof. Dr. Skiera, Prof. Wies, Ph.D., can contact the corresponding professorship. Please find the contact person in the following list.


Chair of Electronic Commerce

Contact Person: Mujgan Shakib (E-Mail)

Procedure to write a bachelor thesis at the chair :  PDF

Advice for a presentation on your bachelor thesis: PDF

Frequently asked questions about bachelor and master theses for students: PDF

Chair of Quantitative Marketing

Prof. Dr. Thomas Otter, contact person: Matteo Fina (E-Mail)

Topics: PDF


Chair of Marketing Management

Prof. Dr. Ju-Young Kim (E-Mail)

Information about the assignment procedure is available in the following PDF.


Chair of Market and Consumer Psychology

Prof. Dr. Jan Landwehr, contact person: Lennart Kehl (E-Mail)

Important information about the procedure of bachelor theses at the chair of Prof. Dr. J. Landwehr is available in the following PDF.


Chair of Marketing

Prof. Dr. Torsten Bornemann, contact person: Sophie Feldner (E-Mail).

Important information about the procedure of bachelor theses at the chair of Prof. Dr. T. Bornemann is available in the following PDF.


Chair of Marketing Strategy and Performance

Prof. Simone Wies, Ph.D.
Contact person: Paul Hilfrich (E-Mail)
Find more information here.


Supervision at the Chair

To make it easier for you to get your Bachelor thesis started, your supervisor will provide you with with introductory literature on the relevant subject area. In addition, we offer you a comprehensive range of consulting services. In particular, we will discuss the structure of your bachelor thesis with you.

In the case of literature theses, experience has shown that the need for advice decreases.

In the case of empirical work, advice is also provided with regard to data collection and analysis.

A reasonable supervision from our side requires that you make an appointment with your supervisor in a good time and that you are well prepared for the interview.

A sample file for the preparation of scientific papers as well as recommendations for completing your work can be found here.


More links:

Training key competencies (only available in German)

Training in writing (only available in German)

Grading of the Thesis

The grading of your Bachelor theses is influenced by various factors, weighted differently according their importance. A first indicator for the grading in the field of marketing results from the following evaluation key:

Evaluation template Bachelor Thesis

The grading of the bachelor theses at the chair of Prof. Skiera is based on the following scale:

Evaluation template Bachelor Thesis Prof. Skiera

Please discuss the concrete evaluation criteria with your thesis supervisor.
